Weardale Authors’ Book Fair — Saturday 3 August, St. Thomas Church Hall 10.30 — 3.00

Free entry

A great social occasion, an opportunity to browse some brilliant bookstalls and chat to the authors. Refresh yourselves with some excellent coffee and cake or lunchtime treats from the Root and Branch pop-up café and have a go at some drop in writing activities of your own.

Sue Reed will be there with her best-selling YA novel ‘The Re-Wilding of Molly McFlynn’ as will local authors Margaret Manchester, |Avril Joy, Jamie Tucknutt, Jo Hayes and Graeme Rendall and we are delighted to welcome Andrew Marshall, Lonely Tower and Marie Gardiner, Ann and Mike Thornton, Susan Gray, Greg Finch, Gary Heads, Graham Temby, Mike and Jenny Kane, Pauline Messenger and Phil Hickey. 

Take at look at what some of our great local independent presses have to offer: Blueprint, Carte Blanche, Vane Women and Reiver Country Books. We’ll add more names to the list as soon as we can, so keep checking to see who’s coming.

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