Weardale WordFest is a community book festival set in the stunning North Pennines landscape of Weardale, County Durham.

We invite all lovers of books and reading to enjoy our free, friendly and informal events. Join us to meet regional authors, to experience the joys of reading and to explore the world of writing for yourself.

The 2023 Weardale WordFest will take place 27— 29 October, in St. Thomas Church Hall, Stanhope. Look out for the WordFest writing workshops happening throughout Weardale in the weeks leading up to the festival and (new this year) the Weardale Authors’ Book Fair in August.


Visit our contributor section to learn more about our authors and workshop leaders.

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Visit our contributor section to learn more about our authors and workshop leaders.

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My Life In Books – Phil Mews

Where to begin? The task of choosing eight books that have had an impact on [...]

Theatre Writing Project for and About the North Pennines

Want to get involved in an exciting new writing project and create some theatre for [...]

Preparations for 2023 are underway

The snowdrops have been and gone, ditto the crocuses. Spring is poking her sleepy head [...]

Weardale WordFest 2022

2022 saw WordFest spread its wings and become what we’d hoped for from the beginning, [...]

The Loss of Hilary Mantel – Writer in the Shadows

Here at the Weardale WordFest we are shocked and saddened to hear of the death [...]

My Life in Books – Jamie Tucknutt

As part of our Life in Books series, we are delighted to welcome, Wordfest team [...]